Brothers Robert Godinez and Manuel Magdaleno cooking pancakes
Mother's Day Rose prep for Diocese
2023 Parish Fiesta
2023 Eucharistic Procession; Council helps guiding people in march which was during a rain storm
2022 Keep Christ in Christmas
2022 Seminarian Burse
KofC Wheel Chairs
2022 -2023 Officers
2022 Pledge of Allegience Proclamation, Grand Terrace honoring the Knight's of Colombus for putting "In God we Trust" in the Pledge of Allegeince
2022 Mother's Day Roses', Knights prepping the roses
2021 Burse Dinner, Knights that helped for the dinner
New members to Knights of Columbus at degree ceremony. Daniel Sanchez (in blue shirt) our newest member. Welcome!
Star Council Award Presentation by Past State Deputy Joe Saliz to past Grand Knight Eric Robles and council
Keep Christ in Christmas 2019 participants
Father George Gonzalez at Freedom Wall with his plaque
Bishop Barnes with youth that help at Seminarian Burse
Seminarian Burse 2017
- Thank you all for everyone who helped with Seminarian Burse; It was a great success
Mothers Days Roses
Essay Winners 2017
- Ages 17-14
- 1st Nicole Shad
- 2nd Jenney Diosadado
- Ages 13-11
- 1st Gabriela Romero
- 2nd Victoria Bacon
- 3rd Lovie Ramirez
- Ages 10-7
- 1st Nickolas Ramirez
- 2nd Alexia Sanchez
Parish Fiesta KofC booth 2017
- Council members selling hamburgers and hot dogs at parish fiesta
Holy Week 2017
- Council members put for up Cross for Holy Week. Thanks for our youth for painting the figure
Clergy Night at St George Ontario
- Russell Almendarez, Alex Martinez Fr. George Gonzalez, Richard Barron, David Keeling members from 12050 Council. Over 200 people and 50 priest and deacon attended
Manger scene built by council
- Thanks to all who helped build the manger scene, especially our youth who painted the figures
Keep Christ in Christmas 2016 winners.
Click here to view posters
- Ages 5 - 7
- Mario Edgardo Gomez (1st)
- Jillian Mendoza (2nd)
- Payton Orem (3rd)
- Ages 8 - 10
- Aalyah Gonzales (1st)
- Aiden Anguiano (2nd)
- Gardemia Xihalit Sandoval (3rd)
- Ages 11 - 14
- Georgia Alvarez (1st)
- Emily Lopez (2nd)
- Julissa Gomez (3rd)
- Adults
KofC Service Sign
- Thanks to David Keeling for working with City of Grand Terrace
Winter 2016 Pancake Breakfast
- Thank you all for making our pancake a great success.
Keep Christ in Christmas 2015 winners.
Click here to view posters
- Ages 5 - 7
- Alexia Sanchez (1st)
- Millie Macias (2nd)
- Payton Orem (3rd)
- Ages 8 - 10
- Valeria Gomez (1st)
- Victoria Garcia Bacon (2nd)
- Vanessa Jarmillo (3rd)
- Ages 11 - 14
- Gelana Alvarez (1st)
- Aaliyah Negrette (2nd)
- Gessie Melchor (3rd)
- Adults
- Jasmine Torres (1st)
- Nichole Shad (2nd)
- Gevona Alvarez (3rd)
Fall 2015 Pancake Breakfast
- Thank you all for making our pancake a great success.
Mother's Day Roses
Spring Pancake breakfast and youth car wash
- Thank you all for joining us in our pancake breakfast and youth car wash.
Roe vs Wade rememberance
- Thank you for all participating in the Roe vs Wade rememberance on January 31 and February 1, 2015.
Keep Christ in Christmas Posters
- Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest Entries
- Age 5-7
- Simone Anna Garcia Bacon (3rd)
- Nallely Merlos (2nd)
- Nickolas Franz Ramirez (1st)
- Age 8-10
- Daisy Diosdado (3rd)
- Victoria Marie Garcia Bacon (3rd)
- Emily Negrete (2nd)
- Aaliyah Negrete (1st)
- Age 11-14
- Kylee Osegueca (3rd)
- Gelana Alvarez (2nd)
- Georgia Alvarez (1st)
Halloween Pancake Breakfast
- Thank you for all your help for making this event successful. Go to Photo Gallery to see pictures.
Youth Day St Frances Xavier Cabrini
- Youth Day at St Frances Xavier Cabrini in Yucaipa. The Knights of Columbus from Yucaipa and Grand Terrace feed lunch to 400 youth from around the diocese. Thanks you for all your help for making this event successful.
Click here For Diocese Facebook Youth Photos
Spring Pancake Breakfast
- Thanks you for all your help for making this event successful. Go to Photo Gallery to see pictures.
Mother Days Roses
- Knights of Columbus and people around the diocese came together to put together rose bouquets for sale on Mother's Days. The proceeds go to Veronica's Home. Thanks you for purchasing the Mother's day roses. Go to Photo Gallery to see pictures.